Cheers to friendships

Okay, there is a thing called a friend. It is a person that you somehow connect with, who knows who you are and loves you just exactly for that. You can talk to this person, and he/she will listen, give you advice, but in any case: understand. Sometimes, you share interests, but what you share for sure, are beautiful moments that become memories. You laugh together, you do amazing things together, sometimes you even cry together. You make fun of eachother and tease hug these people who you call friends, they become part of your life. 
And sometimes, if you are really lucky, you get these amazing humans in your life that you really can call "the family that you chose". I am so incredibly happy to have people like that. Some of them I see everyday in school, some of them I see once a week in dance group, one of them I get to see about once a month, some of them live a border away in Germany, and some of them live, unfortunately, an ocean from here. 
But even if your favourite people are so far away, you always have them in your heart and mind. You think a lot of them, things remind you of them, and you miss them more than you would want to miss your friends. It is kind of sad at some points, you just want to have these lovely faces right here, next to you. You want to talk in reality to these wonderful people, not just text them. Run like crazy to hug them again. 
But distance is a slut, and you cannot make it become less big. You just have to wait for your reunion, and you have no idea when this is gonna be, so you can't even make a countdown. 

ANYWAY! This is a positive post. Because distance, sometimes, can also bring you amazing things. 
Like, for example, a package from Canada. A little package full of love, that brings you a tiny piece of this part of your heart back, that has stayed with the people you love. And it arrives, and you jump and dance around the flat. You laugh, you scream, you are excited. You look at the packaging, decorated with wonderful drawings that have to do with your country and the country where this girl is from. You find mittens in them, that you are gonna wear everyday because they remind you of such a dear person. There are also sweets, which you actually don't want to eat, cause then a part of this package will be gone again. Hand sanitizers and a body lotion, which smell like freedom and happiness. And a handwritten letter with, again, wonderful illustrations. When you read it, you cannot stop smiling, and you want to go over it again and again. It feels like your friend is here. And you want to hug her and thank her in person like she truly deserves it. You miss her so much, it really does hurt. You think of all these wonderful moments from last summer. And you are happy, so damn happy, that you have people that you are so connected with and that love and miss you just as much as you love and miss them. Everytime you look at the things that you received, your heart jumps. Thank you, Meaghan. 

I hope that all of my lovely people out there who read this post know that I am speaking of them. I love you all and thank God so much for putting you guys in my life. You are the best. 


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